
Program Latihan Fisik Futsal Goals

  1. Program Latihan Fisik Futsal Goals 2017
  2. Program Latihan Fisik Futsal Goals 2015
  3. Program Latihan Fisik Futsal Goals 2018
Badminton is a sport with implement, divided court and alternate participation, in which you can play a psychomotor (individual) or sociomotor (pairs) situation. It´s a very useful and simple practice to introduce in our Physical.. more
  • Futsal training program Improve your skills by playing futsal! Generation Adidas International is proud to offer your team or an individual player an opportunity to train and play Futsal in Europe.We can organize training with some of the best Futsal coaches on the planet, participating in Futsal tournaments and playing scrimmages, while living in one of the top training facilities in the world.
  • Teknik Latihan Fisik Futsal Video Program Latihan Fisik Sepak Bola Usia Dini.MP3. Top 10 Goals: Fifa Futsal World Cup Thailand 2012.MP3. Play Download Full Album Download. Falcao Vs Ricardinho, Who Is The Best Futsal. Download Program latihan sepakbola. Program Latihan Sepakbola SMPN 3 PANGALENGAN Bulan April 2012 Minggu Pertama Senin.
Badminton is a sport with implement, divided court and alternate participation, in which you can play a psychomotor (individual) or sociomotor (pairs) situation.
It´s a very useful and simple practice to introduce in our Physical Education sessiones, so we need to know it and we should try to extend that knowledge to our students
As we can see in Shuttle Time Guidelines (2012) the Badminton World Federation is trying to help teachers to introducce badminton. Some of the guidelines are: safe and low impact sport, can play both boys and girls so it has social benefits, sport skills development.

3) Learning the team skills and individual CP soccer 4) Gain the future opportunities to compete at a high level of sport. Athletes who are. And attractiveness). Product development model is also poured in the form of guidebooks that facilitate the trainer in delivering motor skills training program related to circuit method.

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    • by Jesús Barrio Gómez

Program Latihan Fisik Futsal Goals 2017

Hermeneutic analyses are based on interpreting those research strategies which stress objectivity and independence of interpretations in the formation of knowledge. The present study aimed to analyse the badminton world championship 2017,.. more
Hermeneutic analyses are based on interpreting those research strategies which stress objectivity and independence of interpretations in the formation of knowledge. The present study aimed to analyse the badminton world championship 2017, held at Glasgow, Scotland. The total of seventy-five (N=75) matches, fifteen matches in each formats of play (Men's& Women's Singles & Doubles and Mixed Doubles) from quarter final level to final were analysed. The data were collected from official website of Badminton World Federation. As many as fourteen variables were considered for analysis. The procedure adopted for calculation of a few variables were player vs opponent (i.e. point difference = total points won by the player vs total points won by the opponent; ranking difference = ranking of the player vs ranking of the opponent and head to head record = head to head win by the player vs head to head win by the opponent etc). Descriptive statistic, one way ANOVA and independent t-test was applied as measures of analysis.
    • by Hemantajit Gogoi
In this study the researcher analyses the smash of beginner badminton player before and after 6 week training through kinematic analysis. For the purpose of the study, eighteen male students [N=18]were purposively selected from Lakshmibai.. more
In this study the researcher analyses the smash of beginner badminton player before and after 6 week training through kinematic analysis. For the purpose of the study, eighteen male students [N=18]were purposively selected from Lakshmibai National Institute of Physical Education, Gwalior; badminton sport group, age ranging from 18 years to 22 years. The subjects were having mean height 169.32 cm, mean weight 59.28 kg and mean BMI of 20.63. For the purpose of the study, the group was further divided into two sub groups, i.e. experimental and control groups. For analysis purpose four linear variables were considered. Height of C.G. at backswing phase and at hitting phase and Gaining height of centre of mass at backswing phase and Losing height of centre of mass at hitting phase were the linear variables. The values of different kinematic variables were analysed by using “Kinovea” 2D motion analysis software. To find out the effect of six weeks training program on kinematic development of beginner badminton players ANCOVA test was used by means of SPSS software package. The level of significance was set at 0.05.
    • by Hemantajit Gogoi
    • 7
Badminton smash is a cumulative execution of various body segments. Different muscles from different body segments work together to perform a perfect smash. Among these, the task of quadriceps muscles is to extension of the knee joint. In.. more
Badminton smash is a cumulative execution of various body segments. Different muscles from different body segments work together to perform a perfect smash. Among these, the task of quadriceps muscles is to extension of the knee joint. In general it can be said that those who are having strong quadriceps muscles will jump high. But, on the other hand, badminton smash needs utmost eye hand coordination. Having only stronger quadriceps muscles may not help an individual to attain maximum height during smash. Therefore in the present study, the researcher tries to investigate the relationship between leg extension ability and badminton smash jump. For the purpose of the study, fourteen male badminton players [N=14] were purposively selected as subjects from Lakshmibai National Institute of Physical Education, Gwalior. David F 200 DMS-EVE machine was used to measure leg extension ability of the subjects. Videography technique was used to record the movement of the subjects during smash and later on smash height was extracted from the videos using Kinovea 2D motion analysis software. To find the relationship, Pearson’s product moment correlation coefficient method was used.
    • by Hemantajit Gogoi
Objective The aim of the study was to investigate the noise exposure for different technical officials during a major badminton tournament. Methods Individual noise exposure for technical officials was measured during the 23rd BWF World.. more
Objective The aim of the study was to investigate the noise exposure for different technical officials during
a major badminton tournament.
Methods Individual noise exposure for technical officials was measured during the 23rd BWF World
Championship, 2017 in Glasgow, Scotland during all days of the tournament.
Results Umpires and on-court-doctors had equivalent noise exposure, when working longer shifts, that
exceeded the exposure limit according to the EU 2003/10/EC noise directive. Exposure limits regarding
impulse sound was also exceeded during several work shifts during the tournament.
Conclusions Technical officials are exposed to noise levels that exceed current occupational health legislation
within the EU, and may therefore be at risk of developing hearing related disorders. It is of high
importance for the organizers of sports events to reduce the noise exposure for the technical officials by
scheduling shorter work periods, but also by providing individual hearing protectors.

Program Latihan Fisik Futsal Goals 2015

    • by Jacobs Publishers
The background of this community service conducted by Department of Psychology Universitas Pembangunan Jaya (PSI UPJ) and Jaya Raya Badminton Club (PB Jaya Raya) is as follow. For optimum achievement, athletes should have excellent.. more
The background of this community service conducted by Department of Psychology Universitas Pembangunan Jaya (PSI UPJ) and Jaya Raya Badminton Club (PB Jaya Raya) is as follow. For optimum achievement, athletes should have excellent physical, technical and psychological skills. This applies as well in badminton, since this sport requires training as early as in adolescence. The objective of this counselling for athlete program is to develop nine mental skills, comprising from attitude to concentration. Method used is action research-from focus group discussion, interviews, group counselling, observation during competition and individual counselling. This activity involves technical and physical coaches, teachers, boarding school manager and 12-18 years-old male and female athlete from single, double and mixed-double categories; as well as lectures and students. This collaboration is made possible under the Memorandum of Understanding between two institutions-both are part of the family of Pembangunan Jaya Group. From March to September 2017, this community service results in the implementation of a counselling program, 2 articles of Info Bintaro and Buletin Konsorsium Psikologi Ilmiah Nusantara electronic media, 1 publication in Widyakala UPJ journal of Vol 4 No 1 2017 and 1 Counselling for Athletes Module as ISBN-registered book publication. ABSTRAK Latar belakang kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat antara Program Studi Psikologi Universitas Pembangunan Jaya (PSI UPJ) dan Persatuan Bulutangkis Jaya Raya (PB Jaya Raya) ini adalah sebagai berikut. Agar dapat berprestasi optimal, maka atlet tak hanya perlu memiliki kemampuan fisik dan teknik yang prima, tetapi juga membutuhkan keterampilan psikologis (psychological skills). Hal ini terjadi pada dalam cabang olahraga bulutangkis yang butuh pembinaan sejak remaja. Tujuan konseling untuk atlet adalah mengembangkan sembilan keterampilan mental untuk atlet mulai dari sikap sampai konsentrasi. Metode yang digunakan adalah riset aksi (action research) yang mencakup focus group discussion, wawancara, konseling kelompok, observasi situasi pertandingan sampai konseling individual. Kegiatan ini melibatkan pelatih teknik, pelatih fisik, guru, pengurus asrama dan atlet putra dan putri usia 12-18 tahun dari cabang tunggal, ganda putra dan putri serta campuran Sekolah Bulutangkis PB Jaya Raya serta dosen dan mahasiswa PSI UPJ. Kolaborasi ini dipayungi Memorandum of Understanding antar dua institusi di bawah naungan Kelompok Usaha Pembangunan Jaya. Kegiatan sepanjang Maret-September 2017 ini menghasilkan program konseling, 2 artikel di media elektronik Info Bintaro dan Buletin Konsorsium Psikologi Ilmiah Nusantara, 1 publikasi Jurnal Widyakala UPJ Vol 4 No 1 Tahun 2017 dan 1 Modul Konseling untuk Atlet sebagai buku ber-ISBN. Kata Kunci: psikologi olahraga, atlet, bulutangkis, keterampilan mental, konseling
    • by Gita Widya Laksmini Soerjoatmodjo
    • by supratik koner
    • Badminton
Program Latihan Fisik Futsal Goals
This is the initiating document in legal proceedings I had previously initiated, as I strive to achieve the preservation of a long-established community garden in my home town of Winnipeg, Manitoba (Canada). I filed additional supporting.. more
This is the initiating document in legal proceedings I had previously initiated, as I strive to achieve the preservation of a long-established community garden in my home town of Winnipeg, Manitoba (Canada).
I filed additional supporting materials thereafter, and after the motion hearing, (june 15, 2017) all the relief objects (found outlined in Part 1 of the Notice of Motion) were denied. I filed an appeal, in the Manitoba Court of Appeal two months later. It has been heard and dismissed today, April 27, 2018. I again filed extensive materials in support of my appeal. The judge's errors were both obvious and inexcusable. I presented the appeal today well enough to warrant success, and even if I had showed up in my bathrobe and sung 'Rule Britannia' in Urdu, the filed materials would have justified my success.
    • by Jennifer Altemeyer
Fenomena Atlet Remaja di Indonesia Seperti apakah kehidupan remaja pada umumnya? Sementara remaja lazimnya bergaul dengan teman-teman, remaja berprofesi atlet memiliki rutinitas jauh berbeda dibandingkan rekan sebaya. Selama 4 hari.. more

Program Latihan Fisik Futsal Goals 2018

Fenomena Atlet Remaja di Indonesia
Seperti apakah kehidupan remaja pada umumnya? Sementara remaja lazimnya bergaul dengan teman-teman, remaja berprofesi atlet memiliki rutinitas jauh berbeda dibandingkan rekan sebaya. Selama 4 hari seminggu 05.00-19.00 WIB, atlet 12-18 tahun di Persatuan Bulutangkis Jaya Raya menjalani “menu” latihan fisik, bersekolah, lalu latihan teknik menguasai service, lob, dropshot, smash, backhand, drive sampai netting (Putri, 2016). Khusus bulutangkis, cabang olahraga ini efektif dikembangkan di usia 11-12 tahun dan diharapkan atlet mencapai kondisi puncak pada usia 20-25 tahun.
Atlet yang cemerlang berkesempatan mengharumkan nama Indonesia di tingkat internasional, sedangkan yang tak berprestasi menghadapi resiko degradasi alias dikeluarkan (Moningka, 2017). Hidup sesak kompetisi, pertandingan tanpa henti, latihan di bawah tekanan sampai ancaman kekalahan, berpotensi menimbulkan stres baik secara fisik, sosial, psikologis maupun endemik dari luar kendali (Widiani, 2011). Jangan lupa, mereka tetap remaja biasa dengan tugas perkembangan yang sarat perubahan biologis, kognitif dan sosioemosional dalam proses pencarian jati diri (Santrock, 2012).
Hidup penuh tekanan membuat mereka butuh dukungan. Konseling adalah salah satu bentuk dukungan sosial (social support) dengan adanya orang lain di sekitar mereka yang memberi rasa nyaman, informasi positif yang menenangkan, menaruh perhatian terhadap kesejahteraan, serta percaya mereka mampu (Soerjoatmodjo, Moningka & Angkawijaya, 2017a). Sayangnya sebagian besar belum mampu melakukanya. Hal ini ditangkap Soerjoatmodjo, Moningka dan Angkawijaya (2017b) yang menunjukkan keterampilan mental (mental skills) atlet remaja Persatuan Bulutangkis Jaya Raya berada di tahap cukup.
Berikut adalah keterampilan mental atlet yang berhasil menurut Lesyk (2007):
Keterampilan mental tingkat dasar (basic skills) dalam konteks keseharian: sikap (attitude) yaitu mampu memilih sikap positif terhadap pilihan berkarir sebagai atlet, motivasi (motivation) yakni mampu mengidentifikasi hal-hal yang mendorong dirinya berprestasi, tujuan dan komitmen (goals and commitments) yaitu mampu menetapkan target dan berkomitmen mencapai tujuan), dan menjalin hubungan dengan orang lain (people skills) yakni mampu menempatkan diri dalam konteks sosial dan membangun hubungan dengan sesama dan efektif mengelola konflik.
Keterampilan mental tingkat persiapan (preparatory skills) dalam konteks latihan menjelang pertandingan: kemampuan berbicara dengan diri sendiri (self-talk) yaitu bicara pada diri seolah-olah bercakap dengan sahabat, dan kemampuan imajeri mental (mental imagery) yaitu mampu membayangkan diri berhasil dalam pertandingan.
Keterampilan mental tingkat performa (performance skills) dalam unjuk kemampuan saat bertanding: mengelola kecemasan (dealing with anxiety) yaitu menerima kecemasan sebagai bagian pertandingan dan memahami pengendaliannya, mengelola emosi (dealing with emotion) yaitu mampu menerima dan mengungkap emosi dengan tepat dan memanfaatkannya guna meningkatkan performa; juga berkonsentrasi (concentration) yaitu mempertahankan konsentrasi selama dibutuhkan.
Salah satu hal hal yang dapat membuktikan keterampilan mental atlet yang berhasil adalah Emas dari Tontowi Ahmad dan Liliyana Natsir di Kejuaraan Dunia Bulutangkis 2017 yang menunjukkan komunikasi yang baik dan pengalaman bertanding membuat mereka mampu bermain tenang dan penuh percaya diri (Soerjoatmodjo, Moningka & Angkawijaya, 2017c). Atlet sukses adalah mereka yang sanggup melepas stres melalui kegiatan fisik, bisa rileks tanpa tergantung pelatih, melakukan aktivitas nyaman dan menenangkan, menguasai teknik dan strategi pertandingan, menyusun strategi mental, dapat mengembangkan kepercayaan tinggi dan memberi makna proporsional atas kekalahan (Putri, 2016).
Menyitir lirik lagu pop, rocker juga manusia, punya rasa punya hati. Demikian juga halnya dengan para atlet remaja juara bulutangkis dunia, rasa dan hati diasah lewat keterampilan mental. Keterampilan mental berperan penting melahirkan sang juara.
    • by Gita Widya Laksmini Soerjoatmodjo
Background: The most common problems in individuals with autistic spectrum disorders are eye contact, being able to follow objects for a long time and lack of attention. Sports activities are known to prevent the negative symptoms of.. more
Program latihan fisik futsal goals 2017Program latihan fisik sepak bola
Background: The most common problems in individuals with autistic spectrum disorders are eye contact, being able to follow objects for a long time and lack of attention. Sports activities are known to prevent the negative symptoms of Autistic Spectrum Disorder. The Badminton sports branch has a positive effect on the individual's object control, ball focus, and attention, reaction, perception and coordination characteristics. For this reason, racket sports are considered to be an important tool in reducing the lack of attention in individuals with Autistic Spectrum Disorder.
Aim: The aim of this study, Investigation of the effect of simplified Badminton exercises on attention focus development of individuals with Autistic Spectrum Disorder and is the assessment of the level of retention of an acquisition.
Material and Method: The study group was randomly selected 3 out of 6 children who are not mentally retarded and responded to commands among 10 children aged 12-14 years in Isparta Gülşen Önal Autistic Children Education Centre. The mean age of children was 12.6 ± 1.15 years, height was 154,3±5,13 cm and weight was 52±3 kg. Benton Visual Memory Test, Bourdon Visual Attention Test and Stroop Effect Test were used as the measurement tool. Children were performed adaptation exercises for 2 weeks and from simple to difficult badminton exercise drills for 10 weeks. For each individual, 3 studies were performed at different times and 60 minutes per week. Tests were performed at 3 different periods, to be 10 weeks Badminton exercise process before and after and also retention test after 8 weeks interval. The obtained data were evaluated by Wilcoxon test.
Results: According to the results of all measurement instruments of the students participating in the research, there is a numerical rise between pre - test and post - test values. When the results of the retention test with the last test are evaluated, there was no decrease in the two participants according to the Benton visual memory test results, but the other participant had also decline, although not at the beginning level. Burdon attention test and Stroop effect test showed that there was no return to baseline in all participants despite a numerical decrease.
Conclusion: We can say that Badminton exercise program has a positive effect on attention level. Individuals with autistic spectrum disorder can be said to have a positive influence on the development of eye contact, long-time focus of objects and attention level development. Badminton exercises can be offered as a model to improve attentiveness to children with Autistic Spectrum Disorder if the duration of participatory study is increased.
    • by Open Access Publishing Group
    • by ngọc sanbich
    • 2
The ability to quickly perceive appropriate motor response is essential in the badminton sport under the critical time pressure. This study aimed to evaluate the visual and auditory reaction time, speed, anaerobic power and vertical jump.. more
The ability to quickly perceive appropriate motor response is essential in the badminton sport under the critical time pressure. This study aimed to evaluate the visual and auditory reaction time, speed, anaerobic power and vertical jump between elite and non-elite badminton athletes. With this purpose, various anthropometric measurements, hexagonal obstacle test, vertical jump test, anaerobic power measurement and auditory and visual reaction time tests were performed to the elite and non-elite athletes. When auditory reaction time, vertical jump and anaerobic power measurements were evaluated, there was no significant difference between the elite and non-elite groups, but it was noticed that there was a significant differences in quickness and visual reaction time in favor of elite athletes. It is also seen that speed and visual reaction time have a positive effect on badminton athletes are able to get to the high performance level in other literature information. For this reason, it has been thought that training programs designed for badminton athletes by considering these physiological parameters and training systems designed to increase the reaction time may be beneficial.
    • by Open Access Publishing Group
The aim of this study was to analyze the point difference established at different phases of the game by the winners and losers in men's singles badminton matches. We analyzed 136 games from matches of the 2015 World Championship. From.. more
The aim of this study was to analyze the point difference established at different phases of the game by the winners and losers in men's singles badminton matches. We analyzed 136 games from matches of the 2015 World Championship. From each game were collected the final result and the maximum point difference established by the players in each phase of the game. We considered from 0 to 7 points the first phase, from 8 to 14 the second phase and 15 to 21 the third phase of the game. We found that in all phases the winners had a superior point difference than the losers and this difference increased significantly over the course of the match. For all the players who were not ahead on the scoreboard in the first phase, 78% have lost the game. We found that one point ahead in the second and third phases was not enough for athletes to win the game. The winners had at least five points of difference to the opponent from the middle to the end of the game. The results presented are important to monitor the athlete's performance during the game and to readjust strategies based on point difference.
    • by João G C Chiminazzo
Harga Papan Strategi Sepak Bola Papan formasi merupakan sebuah papan yang digunakan oleh pelatih dalam mengatur strategi untuk tim nya. Papan formasi berbentuk persegi panjang dengan bahan plat besi sehingga pin pemain yang bersifat.. more
Harga Papan Strategi Sepak Bola
Papan formasi merupakan sebuah papan yang digunakan oleh pelatih dalam mengatur strategi untuk tim nya. Papan formasi berbentuk persegi panjang dengan bahan plat besi sehingga pin pemain yang bersifat magnetik bisa menempel dengan baik. Papan formasi atau bisa disebut papan strategi atau tactical board merupakan kebutuhan bagi seorang pelatih. Tanpa menggunakan papan formasi tugas pelatih dalam menjelaskan strategi bermain akan lebih sulit. Karena itu setiap pelatih wajib memiliki papan formasi ini.
Papan formasi digunakan diberbagai bidang olahraga. Seperti papan formasi futsal, papan formasi sepak bola, papan formasi basket, papan formasi bola voli, papan formasi tenis dan juga papan formasi badminton.
Kami menjual berbagai macam papan formasi seperti papan formasi futsal, papan formasi sepak bola, papan taktik basket, papan strategi bola voli, tactical board tenis dan papan tactic badminton.
Untuk harga setiap papan berbeda beda. Harga bisa dilihat di Harga Papan Formasi .
Atau bisa menghubungi nomor 085.707.877.477 (INDOSAT) bisa WA , Telpon maupun SMS.
Workshop kami berada di Surabaya, tetapi kami juga melayani pengiriman ke kota lain seperti Semarang, Jakarta, jogja, Bandung, Malang, Sidoarjo dan seluruh kota di Indonesia.
Pemesanan Papan Formasi bisa menghubungi 085.707.877.477 (INDOSAT).
Papan Strategi,papan Strategi Basket,Papan Strategi Bola Voli,Papan Strategi Sepak bola,Papan Strategi Futsal,Papan Strategi Voli HUB:085.707.877.477 (SMS/WA)
    • by Jual Papan Strategi WA:085.707.877.477
Recommendation systems are majorly developed based on relationships of product features or between consumer attributes. Most of them need a lot of analysis of historical shopping transactions and statistical user or product features to.. more
Recommendation systems are majorly developed based on relationships of product features or between consumer attributes. Most of them need a lot of analysis of historical shopping transactions and statistical user or product features to come out good suggestions for consumers to make right decisions. However, it does not fit into the users' shopping experiences for specialty stores of sporting goods. The characteristics of sporting goods specialty stores are less products and less volume of customers than other types of stores. It is hard for recommender systems to help users making the shopping decisions with limited product information and users' historical shopping behaviors. It is the purpose of this paper to propose a two-phase recommendation technique based on the AHP methodology to improve the selling of sporting goods specialty stores. We also implemented a practice system for a specialty store selling badminton-related goods. The results show that it is easier for sporting goods stores to promote products, and help consumers to choose products based on their own features.