
Hitomi Yaida Candlize Rar Extractor

  1. Hitomi Yaida Candlize Rar Extractor Online

JP-Kun Anime Single 138061 Chiaki Ishikawa - Watashi No Kokoro Ha Sou Ittenai 138061 Chiaki Ishikawa - Watashi No Kokoro Ha Sou Ittenai January 18, 2015 Anime Single.

Artist: Hitomi Yaida (矢井田瞳)
Title (Album/Single): TIME CLIP
Release Date: 2016.03.02
File Format: m4a
Archive: RAR
Tracklist & Size :
01. Circle.m4a 13.92 MB
02. MOON.m4a 10.32 MB
03. SEKIRARA.m4a 9.24 MB
04. Tokyo Tower to Ari.m4a 10.54 MB
05. Shiawase Yobu Melody.m4a 10.97 MB
06. Sekai to Watashi no Ma.m4a 10.78 MB
07. machine.m4a 6.75 MB
08. WAVE.m4a 9.58 MB
09. YOUR SONG.m4a 10.86 MB
10. It’s Time.m4a 14.29 MB
11. My Sweet Darlin (Live).m4a 10.61 MB
12 Life’s Like A Love Song (Live).m4a 14.43 MB
13. Chiheisen to Kimi to Boku (live).m4a 11.32 MB

Password: jpopsingles
Password: www.jpopsingles.com

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This story uses some of my original characters, so I hope you enjoy this!

Hitomi's Diary

Written and composed by Twilight-Prince1002, Dedicated to all my friends on deviantART!

Hitomi Miyaka is a 16-year-old girl in High School, and like many other girls, she keeps a diary, and she writes in it every time something interesting or wonderful happens. Today, we find Hitomi in her room and it is late in the night. Her younger sister, Kira Miyaka, age 10, is already in bed fast asleep, as are her parents. Hitomi, however, was writing in her diary for her entry today..

'Dear Diary.
This was a very interesting week indeed..For the longest time, I have had many friends, both local and on the internet, but recently it almost seemed as if I had none..'

Flashback to earlier in the week..


'Hey, Hitomi!' came a girls' voice from behind her. Hitomi turned around and saw that it was one of her friends, Naomi Ukida, who had been friends with her since she was little. She smiled when she saw her. 'Hiya, Naomi!' she said as Naomi caught up to her.

The two friends were walking home from school that day, so both were in thier school uniforms still. 'So, how have things been going, Naomi?' asked Hitomi cheerfully.

Hitomi Yaida Candlize Rar Extractor Online

Download free camfrog pro activation code generator 2013 safe. 'Oh, it's been awesome! I've been looking forward to this week for awhile; just you and me together doing things like the friends we are!' said Naomi, who seemed very happy.

'Yeah, I know! I'm sure we will be able to do lots of things together, like go and see a movie, play some video games..hehe..maybe even meet a cute guy or two if we're lucky!' said Hitomi, giggling at the end of her sentence.

Naomi giggled as well when Hitomi said that. 'True, you never know..but then again, I kinda don't know if any guy would be attracted to a flat girl like myself..' said Naomi, seeming disappointed that she wasn't as..well..'developed' as Hitomi was. Even though she was a year older than Hitomi, she was shorter, and didn't have much of a..ahem..bust as she did.

Hitomi smiled and patted her friend's shoulder. 'Hey, that's not true. I bet there are many guys who would find you attractive. Take it from me, Naomi, there is someone out there for you!' said Hitomi, smiling at her.

Naomi smiled a bit and nodded. 'I know, I know..but then again, for some guys, all they mostly ever notice about a girl is thier bust anyways..I'm not trying to be judgemental, but I just wish there was a way to get mine somewhere like yours..'

'Hey, I know the feeling, okay? But there was something that a person once told me that was very important.' said Hitomi.

'Really? What was that?' asked Naomi.

'They told me to just be myself.' said Hitomi.

'Just..be yourself?' wondered Naomi.

'Yeah, that's right. If you think you're like someone else, you're not being yourself, and yourself is how you should be.' said Hitomi, smiling.

Naomi giggled. 'You know what? You're right..who cares if I'm a bit flat-chested? I'm just gonna be myself!'

'That's my girl!' said Hitomi, patting her on the back happily.

Both of the girls continued thier girl talk for the next couple of blocks until they came to a 4-way stop in the street. This was where they had to go seperate directions to get to thier houses. Hitomi and Naomi looked at each other and smiled. 'Well, I'll see you tommorw, Naomi.' said Hitomi, smiling.

'Yeah, you too..' said Naomi, smiling back.

The two then turned thier own directions and waved to each other. Soon, Hitomi was walking by herself past a park that was on the way to her house. She smiled, seeing the cherry blossoms fall from the trees nearby, since it was the right season for the trees to be doing so. 'They look so beautiful this year..' said Hitomi with a warm sigh.

'Not as beautiful as you, my sweet..' came a guy's voice nearby.

Hitomi gasped and saw a 16-year-old young man with silver hair and blue eyes. He was wearing a light-blue jacket and jeans, with a white undershirt. But right after Hitomi gasped, she snorted and turned away from the boy. 'Itachi! How many times to have to tell you to get lost!' she said, shaking her fist at him.

Itachi Urashima: 16 years of age, and your local smart-aleck guy, though he's also a bit of a pervert, and for some reason has fallen head-over-heels for Hitomi, though she never liked him in the first place, especially after he 'accidently' grabbed her butt one day. What happened on that day..well, that's a different story.

'Oh, must you always turn me down, Hitomi? That's rather harsh of you.' said Itachi, chuckling to himself.

'If you think sweet-talking is gonna get me to like you, think again, you perv!' said Hitomi, losing her patience.

Itachi walked up to Hitomi and got kinda close to her, much to Hitomi's dismay, since she valued her personal space more than most people would. He then smiled. 'C'mon, now..is that any way to talk to your husband later in life?' he said with a smirk.

'Eww! Who said you were gonna be?!' groaned Hitomi, sweating a bit that Itachi was so close to her.

'We were meant for each other, Hitomi my sweet. C'mon, just accept it.' said Itachi, smiling evilly.

'Don't even think about..!' said Hitomi, but before she could finish, she felt Itachi's hand on her butt, and reaching under her skirt.

Now if there was one thing Hitomi's friends knew about her, it was never to invade her personal space, and what Itachi did was just that..and a lot more! Hitomi's eyes looked as if they were on fire, and in one swift movement, she slammed her schoolbag upside Itachi's head, causing a loud WHACK! to be heard, and in a few short seconds, Itachi was on the ground, with a major bump on his head, flinching from the pain.

Hitomi was burning up with anger inside, but she knew how to keep her cool in these situations. She flung her school bag over her shoulder and turned to walk off. 'It's a good thing I always have a brick in this bag for just such an emergency.' said Hitomi to herself, walking away from the hurt body of Itachi.

Soon, Hitomi arrived home, and waiting for her was her little sister, Kira. Kira smiled when she saw Hitomi walk through the door, and ran to her to give her a hug. Hitomi welcomed Kira's hug gladly. 'Hey, sis! How was your day today?' asked Hitomi.

Kira gave Hitomi a thumbs-up, signaling it went just fine. 'That's good, sis! Did you do anything special today?' asked Hitomi.

Kira nodded and ran over to the kitchen table and grabbed a few pieces of paper from there. She then ran back to Hitomi and handed her the papers eagerly. Hitomi took the papers, and saw that they were drawings Kira did. One looked like a knight on a horse, while another was a pretty little princess. Hitomi smiled. 'These are great, sis! You're a very good artist!'

Kira smiled at Hitomi. Hitomi smiled back, but she was also kind of sad inside, since Kira hardly ever spoke to anyone besides her teddy bear, which was named Rika. Ever since a tragic incident 3 years ago, Kira had fallen shy and almost dead-slient, and she never liked being around anyone other than Hitomi and her parents. Still, Kira had shown some signs of recovery as of late, as she had even begun to speak to Hitomi again, and calling her 'Onee-chan' like she always did before the incident.

Kira then grabbed her teddy bear and sat down near the T.V., watching some kid's anime. Hitomi went to the kitchen to find a note from her parents. She took the note and read it.

'Dear Hitomi,

We're going to be late today from work, so you and Kira are on our own tonight. If you were worried that we left Kira alone before you got home, don't be. Your teacher, Roy Kazuki, watched over her a little earlier and left just before you got out of school, and Kira made sure to keep the doors locked nice and tight. Dinner's in the freezer, and don't let Kria stay up too late. She's still a growing girl and she needs her sleep. Remember the old saying 'A girl who sleeps well, grows well.'. Hope you two have fun, and we'll be back after you two are in bed. Don't stay up too long!

Signed, Mom and Dad'

Hitomi smiled, seeing that Kira was in capable hands for a short while. Her teacher, Roy Kazuki was a bit of an airhead, but he knew his stuff. He had recently been helping Hitomi out with her English studies, since she had been faltering in them recently. Still, she kind of wished that her parent's weren't gone so much. Thier job required them to be out of the house most of the time, and only being home after her and Kira went to bed usually. The only definite times they'd see them is on thier birthdays and Christmas, but though it was nice, it didn't seem like enough. Still, Hitomi had learned to cope with it, and had technically become the second mother of the house, what with her having to keep the place tidy and taking care of her sister, though it sometimes interferred with her own life, thus making her not able to get out and do things often with her friends.

Even with all this on her shoulders, Hitomi was still as kind and understanding as ever. She went to the freezer to find that her parents had left some pot roast for the two, and went to getting it nice and cooked again.

After dinner, Kira and Hitomi played a few games together, then Hitomi helped Kira get ready for bed and tucked her in. She kissed Kira on the head and whispered softly. 'G'night, sis..sleep tight.'


'Night-night..Onee-chan..' said Kira softly, yawning at the end. Kira cuddled up with her teddy bear and soon dozed off to sleep. Hitomi smiled and left the door open a crack for Kira. She then went to her own room and sat down at her computer, the same one that she had gotten for her 16th birthday, complete with internet and printer.

'I wonder if Skyler's on tonight..?' wondered Hitomi. As some of us may (or may not) know, Skyler Thorne, a 23-year-old young adult from America, is one of Hitomi's internet pals, and has been almost since Hitomi got her computer. The two had become great friends over the internet, and were hoping to see each other in person one day. After Hitomi's computer got fully booted up, she looked and saw that Skyler wasn't logged on her Instant Messenger. 'Hm..maybe he's busy or something..oh, well..hm?' said Hitomi, but then she noticed she had e-mail..2 to be exact. 'I wonder who it's from?' she wondered, clicking on the e-mail icon.

As it turned out, one of the e-mail's was from Skyler himself! 'Oh! Wonder what's up?' she wondered as she opened the e-mail. When it showed up on her screen, this is what was written:

'Heya, Hitomi! Good to see you got this e-mail. Hate to say this, but I'm not gonna be able to talk any this week, since my computer got a nasty Trojan virus on it, and thus made it go on the fritz. Sadly, it's gonna take about a week to get it extracted and to get everything the way it was before. Hope this doesn't make you sad or anything, since I know you always enjoy talking with me (as do I you). I hope your sis is doing alright, and I wish you the best of luck on your English Finals! Btw, if you're wondering how I sent you this if my computer's busted, I used my mom's computer to type this up, but I hardly ever get access to it anyways, so I may not be able to send any more until my computer's fixed. Well, anyhow, I gotta go..I'll see you in a week, hopefully!

Signed, your pal, Skyler'

Hitomi had a slightly sad look on her face. 'Ouch..a virus, huh? Dang, Skyler has bad luck sometimes..oh, well..I'm sure he'll be able to get things straightened out soon! Now then..who's this other e-mail from I wonder?' asked Hitomi as she looked around her Inbox.

This one totally surprised her, as it was an e-mail from her friend Naomi! 'Huh? Naomi sent me an e-mail? But why would she do that if she could just call me?' wondered Hitomi out loud. She clicked open the mail and read it carefully:

'Hey, Hitomi..I meant to call you up about this earlier, but I didn't have time to..It seems like I have to go with my parents on a business trip to London, since I couldn't stay behind for the week they'll be gone on it. It came up at the last second, and I'm truly sorry that we won't be able to have our fun together this week like we planned..besides, you know how unpredictable my parent's job can be..I'm very sorry Hitomi. By the time you get this, I'll be in London already. I know it's abrupt, but stay strong for me, girl, okay? I'll be back in about a week, give or take a day. Say hello to Kira for me!

Your best friend, Naomi.'

Hitomi slumped back in her chair, sniffling a bit. Her and Naomi had planned this little 'Girl's Week Off' for nearly a month, and now it was delayed due to Naomi's parents going on a last-second business trip. Hitomi sighed heavily and went over to her bedroom closet and changed into her pajamas. She shut down the computer, went to brush her teeth, then went back to her room to bed.

As Hitomi laid there, looking out at the clear night sky through her window, the full moon shining brightly in the night sky, she sighed and spoke to herself softly. 'Why is it whenever something good will happen, there's always something to pull it back further from you..?' she said quietly. She pulled the covers over herself and snuggled up tightly, the thoughts of this day's events still fresh in her mind..