
Adult Day Care Policy And Procedure Manual

  1. Daycare Policies And Procedures Template
Adult day care policy and procedure manualAdult

Daycare Policies And Procedures Template

Manual of Policies and Procedures COMMUNITY CARE LICENSING DIVISION ADULT DAY PROGRAMS Title 22 Division 6. ADULT DAY PROGRAMS This Users' Manual is issued as an operational tool. This Manual contains: (a) Regulations adopted by the California Department of Social Services (CDSS) for the governance. Care needs outside the adult day.

Policy NumberPolicy NameReview DateRevised Date
AD - Administrative

I. Organization

AD I-1Health Services Mission, Vision, Goals and Objective2-20122-2012
AD I-2Health Care Treatment Philosophy2-20122-2012
AD I-3Overall Responsibilities7-201010-2008
AD I-4Facility Procedures8-20108-2010
AD I-5Definitions of Medical Mission1-20124-2008
AD I-6Nursing Procedure Manual2-20182-2018
II. Performance Improvement and Risk Management
AD II-1Performance Improvement Plan7-20177-2017
AD II-2Health Services Peer Review 4-20109-2008
AD II-3Medical Statistics and Reports4-201010-2007
AD II-4Inmate Injuries (workman's comp)4-20105-2002
AD II-5Rescinded
AD II-6Rescinded
AD II-7Internal Medical Review4-20104-2009
AD II-8Forensic Investigation4-20104-2009
AD II-9Nursing Quality Control Monitoring1-20124-2011
AD II-10Health Services Comprehensive Audits3-20133-2013
AD II-11Instruments, Sharps, Key Control4-20103-2009
AD II-12Identification of PatientsN/A9-2013
AD II-13Cardiopulmonary ResuscitationN/A12-2013
AD II-14Electronic Event Reporting System10-201710-2017
III. Managed Care
AD III-11-20161-2016
AD III-2Processing Disability Claims5-20105-2002
AD III-3Utilization Review Plan6-20146-2014
AD III-4Cosmetic Surgery11-20105-2002
AD III-5Medical Claims Receipt1-201210-2007
AD III-6Pended UR Requests9-20169-2016
AD III-7Utilization Review Policies4-201012-2010
IV. Patient's Rights
AD IV-1Informed Consent2-20142-2014
AD IV-2Involuntary Commitment4-20109-2007
AD IV-3Confidentiality6-20176-2017
AD IV-4Medical Research5-20145-2014
AD IV-5Inmate Right to Refuse Medical Treatment5-20145-2014
AD IV-6Access to Foreign Language Translation1-20121-2012

V. Death and Dying

AD V-1Rights to a Natural Death1-20122-2002
AD V-2Procedures in Case of Death of an Inmate6-20126-2012
AD V-3Organ Donations1-20101-2009
AD V-4Transporting Bodies5-20105-2010
AD V-5Revocation of DNR Orders4-20104-2009
AD V-6Right to Healthcare Decisions5-20115-2011
AD V-7Recognition of DNR StatusN/A1-2012
VI. Medical Records
AD VI-1Purpose and Composition of Medical Record5-20145-2014
AD VI-2Deleted
AD VI-3Release of Confidential Information5-20145-2014
AD VI-4Combining Records & Creating Additional Volumes8-20148-2014
AD VI-5Mental Health Records/Tracking System6-20101-2006
AD VI-6Photographs and Videotapes5-20145-2014
AD VI-7Transfer of Medical Records5-20145-2014
AD VI-8Record Retention8-20108-2010
AD VI-9Deleted
AD VI-10Deleted
AD VI-11Deleted
AD VI-12Basic Medical Record Documentation4-20144-2014
AD VI-13Forms Management5-20145-2014
AD VI-14Problem List9-20149-2014
AD VI-15Dialysis Records9-20169-2016
AD VI-16Recording Data in OPUS9-20169-2016
AD VI -17HERO Downtime Policy and Procedure9-20169-2016
VII. Facilities
AD VII-1Facilities, Equipment, Supplies1-20124-2011
AD VII-2First Aid Kits7-20109-2005
AD VII-5Emergency Medical Response6-20126-2012
VIII. Reporting
AD VIII-2Notification of Serious Illness, Injury or Death of Hospitalized Patient8-20103-2004
AD VIII-3Duty to Warn1-20141-2014
AD VIII-4Deleted refer to CP 18DeletedDeleted
AD VIII-5Reporting Positive Drug Finding During Dx. Work-up3-20143-2014
AD VIII-6Medical Notification to Excuse from Work11-201411-2014
P - Personnel
P-1Nursing Staffing Standards1-20121-2012
P-3Continuing Education5-20105-2008
P-4Use of Physician Extenders8-20108-2009
P-5Use of Inmates in Delivery of Health Care1-201210-2007
P-6Nursing: Verification of Valid Professional Licenses/Listings1-20124-2011
P-7Medication Technicians1-20161-2016
P-8Nursing Coverage1-20123-2010
P-9Nursing Orientation, Mandatory Training and Competency Evaluation1-20125-2010
P-10Requesting Flexible Schedule1-20121-2012
P-11Social Work Staffing5-20125-2012
II. Employee Health
P II-1Moved to IC-11
P II-2Moved to IC-12
P II-3Moved to IC-13
P II-4Moved to IC-14
P II-5BBP Exposure to DOP Employees7-20147-2014
P II-6Moved to IC-10
A - Assessment of Patient
A-1Receiving Screening1-20141-2014
A-2Intake Physical Exam and PULHEAT System7-20177-2017
A-3Lab Services5-20145-2014
A-4Radiology Services5-20145-2014
A-5Offenders in Segregation11-201411-2014
A-6Deleted March 19, 2018
A-7Court Ordered STD Testing2-20142-2014
A-8Paternity Testing11-201411-2014
A-9Patient Acuity Rating System4-20164-2016
A-10Falls Screening Alert4-20108-2004
A-11Vision Screening3-20173-2017
A-13Infusion Therapy and BloodN/A1-2016
PL - Planning Patient Care
PL-1Procedures for Chronic Disease6-20136-2013
PL-2Initial Nursing Care Plan for Mental Health1-20123-2002
PE - Patient Education
PE-1Health Orientation1-20141-2014
PE-2Inmate Health Education/Health Promotion10-201410-2014
PE-3Refer to Policy N-1 DeletedPolicy DeletedPolicy Deleted
PE-4Refer to Policy TX-7 DeletedPolicy DeletedPolicy Deleted
TX - Care and Treatment of Patient
I. Access to Services
TX I-1Sick Call1-20161-2016
TX I-2Specialty Medical Clinics9-20169-2016
TX I-3Mental Health Clinics6-20116-2011
TX I-4Medical Treatment Services Outside DOP7-20127-2012
TX I-5Mental Health Services Outside DOPPolicy DeletedPolicy Deleted
TX I-6Mental Health Day Treatment04-201804-2018
TX I-8Telephone Triage1-20171-2017
TX I-9Detoxification and Drug Withdrawal1-20121-2012
TX I-10Oxygen6-20146-2014
TX I-11Mass Casualties9-20169-2016
TX I-12Mental Health Outpatient Services - Telepsychiatry Clinics04-20184-2018
TX I-13Evaluation and Management of Transgender Offenders08-201808-2018
TX I-14Adult Residential Treatment ServicesN/A10-2013
II. Medication Administration
TX II-1Drug Formulary2-20172-2017
TX II-2Deleted and Combined into TX II-4
TX II-3Valid Orders and Treatment Protocols1-20171-2017
TX II-4Medication Procurement and Returns1-20171-2017
TX II-51-20171-2017
TX II-6Inmate Transferred on Medication2-20172-2017
TX II-7Methods of Medication Administration08-201708-2017
TX II-8Involuntary Administration of Psychotropic Medication6-20126-2012
TX II-9Medication Duration for Outpatient Services1-20171-2017
TX II-10Refer to TX-7N/AN/A
TX II-11Psychotropic Medication Review12-201612-2016
TX II-12Controlled Substances1-20171-2017
TX II-13Non-Prescription Medication in Canteen1-20171-2017
TX II-14Drug Storage1-20171-2017
TX II-15Drug Recall1-20171-2017
TX II-16Inmate Release with Medications7-20177-2017
TX II-17Deleted and Combined into TX II-1
TX II-18Inmate Medication Refill Request System 4-20124-2012
TX II-19Deleted
TX II-20Transcription of Orders1-20126-2011
TX II-21Deleted
TX II-22Mental Health Preferred Drug ListN/A11-2010
TX II-23Automated Dispensing Cabinets1-20181-2018
III. Restrictive Procedures
TX III-1Therapeutic Seclusion7-20109-2007
TX III-2Therapeutic Restraint7-201010-2008
TX III-3Use of Restraints for Medical Purposes10-201410-2014
TX III-4Use of Administrative Segregation for Behavioral Observation7-201010-2008
TX III-5Assessment and Care of Patient on Special Management Meals10-201410-2014
TX III-6Assessment and Care for Patient on Finger Food Diet10-201010-2008
TX III-76-20166-2016
TX III-8Medical Care After Use of Force and/or Incidents Involving Trauma to an Inmate10-201410-2014
TX III-9Suicide Prevention Program6-20166-2016
IV. Infection Control
TX-VIMoved to IC Section of ManualPolicy MovedPolicy Moved
V. Dental Services
TX V-1Dental Responsibilities5-20145-2014
TX V-2Asepsis Dental Procedures5-20145-2014
TX V-3Dental Exams and Assessment3-20163-2016
TX V-4Access to Dental Care and Dental Priorities5-20145-2014
TX V-5Preventive Dentistry5-20145-2014
TX V-6Types of Dental Treatments Provided3-20163-2016
TX V-7Periodontal Treatment3-20163-2016
TX V-8Orthodontics5-20145-2014
TX V-9Dental Records and Reports5-20145-2014
TX V-10Dental Hygiene Under Direction5-20145-2014
TX V-11Dental Holds3-20163-2016
VI. Activities of Daily Living
TX VI-1Inmate Personal Hygiene1-20122-2002
TX VI-2Therapeutic Diets & Supplemental Nourishment8-20108-2009
TX VI-3Refer to Policy N-5 DeletedPolicy DeletedPolicy Deleted
TX VI-4Grinding of Toe Nails & Calluses11-20102-2002
VII. Disabilities
TX VII-1Development Disabilities8-20108-2007
TX VII-2Physical, Mental, or Cognitive Disabilities8-20108-2009
TX VII-3Medical Prosthesis and Appliances Including Footwear10-201410-2014
CC - Continuity Patient Care
CC-1Continuity of Care4-20144-2014
CC-2Hospitalization & In-Patient Medical Services4-20144-2014
CC-3Transfers, Appropriate Medical Placements & Medical Holds5-20145-2014
CC-4Pregnant Inmates3-20143-2014
CC-5Aged and Infirmed Inmate5-20145-2014
CC-6Mental Health Services - Case Finding and Patient Flow5-20185-2018
CC-7Transfer Procedures for Referral to Mental Health8-201010-2008
CC-8Aftercare Planning for Inmate Health Services1-201211-2007
CC-9Social History5-20105-2003
CC-11Extending the Limits of Confinement8-20178-2017
CC-12Medical Release88-20178-2017
CC-13Inmate and Family Correspondence and Calls3-20143-2014
CC-14Medicaid Application ProcessN/A12-2012
N - Nutrition
N-1Therapeutic Diet Orientation03-201603-2016
N-5Management of Offenders Refusing to Eat10-201410-2014
IC - Infection Control
IC-1Sterilization & Disinfection 1-20161-2016
IC-2Sanitation of Medical Areas & Equipment9-20169-2016
IC-3Communicable Disease1-20162-2016
IC-4Standard Precautions1-20151-2015
IC-5Inmate Exposure to BBP9-20169-2016
IC-6Tuberculosis Control Plan9-20169-2016
IC-7Management of HIV Infection/Acquired1-20129-2010
IC-10BBP Exposure/Employees of Other Agencies9-20169-2016
IC-11Employee Vaccinations and TB Screening9-20169-2016
IC-12Injuries to Staff and Occupational Exposure to DPS Staff and Staff from other Agencies1-20161-2016
IC-13Treatment of Injured or Sick Staff9-20169-2016
IC-14Health Care Worker's Infected with HIV and/or HBV1-20161-2016
Policy NumberPolicy NameReview DateRevised Date
AD - Administrative

I. Organization

AD I-1Health Services Mission, Vision, Goals and Objective2-20122-2012
AD I-2Health Care Treatment Philosophy2-20122-2012
AD I-3Overall Responsibilities7-201010-2008
AD I-4Facility Procedures8-20108-2010
AD I-5Definitions of Medical Mission1-20124-2008
AD I-6Nursing Procedure Manual2-20182-2018
II. Performance Improvement and Risk Management
AD II-1Performance Improvement Plan7-20177-2017
AD II-2Health Services Peer Review 4-20109-2008
AD II-3Medical Statistics and Reports4-201010-2007
AD II-4Inmate Injuries (workman's comp)4-20105-2002
AD II-5Rescinded
AD II-6Rescinded
AD II-7Internal Medical Review4-20104-2009
AD II-8Forensic Investigation4-20104-2009
AD II-9Nursing Quality Control Monitoring1-20124-2011
AD II-10Health Services Comprehensive Audits3-20133-2013
AD II-11Instruments, Sharps, Key Control4-20103-2009
AD II-12Identification of PatientsN/A9-2013
AD II-13Cardiopulmonary ResuscitationN/A12-2013
AD II-14Electronic Event Reporting System10-201710-2017
III. Managed Care
AD III-11-20161-2016
AD III-2Processing Disability Claims5-20105-2002
AD III-3Utilization Review Plan6-20146-2014
AD III-4Cosmetic Surgery11-20105-2002
AD III-5Medical Claims Receipt1-201210-2007
AD III-6Pended UR Requests9-20169-2016
AD III-7Utilization Review Policies4-201012-2010
IV. Patient's Rights
AD IV-1Informed Consent2-20142-2014
AD IV-2Involuntary Commitment4-20109-2007
AD IV-3Confidentiality6-20176-2017
AD IV-4Medical Research5-20145-2014
AD IV-5Inmate Right to Refuse Medical Treatment5-20145-2014
AD IV-6Access to Foreign Language Translation1-20121-2012

V. Death and Dying

AD V-1Rights to a Natural Death1-20122-2002
AD V-2Procedures in Case of Death of an Inmate6-20126-2012
AD V-3Organ Donations1-20101-2009
AD V-4Transporting Bodies5-20105-2010
AD V-5Revocation of DNR Orders4-20104-2009
AD V-6Right to Healthcare Decisions5-20115-2011
AD V-7Recognition of DNR StatusN/A1-2012
VI. Medical Records
AD VI-1Purpose and Composition of Medical Record5-20145-2014
AD VI-2Deleted
AD VI-3Release of Confidential Information5-20145-2014
AD VI-4Combining Records & Creating Additional Volumes8-20148-2014
AD VI-5Mental Health Records/Tracking System6-20101-2006
AD VI-6Photographs and Videotapes5-20145-2014
AD VI-7Transfer of Medical Records5-20145-2014
AD VI-8Record Retention8-20108-2010
AD VI-9Deleted
AD VI-10Deleted
AD VI-11Deleted
AD VI-12Basic Medical Record Documentation4-20144-2014
AD VI-13Forms Management5-20145-2014
AD VI-14Problem List9-20149-2014
AD VI-15Dialysis Records9-20169-2016
AD VI-16Recording Data in OPUS9-20169-2016
AD VI -17HERO Downtime Policy and Procedure9-20169-2016
VII. Facilities
AD VII-1Facilities, Equipment, Supplies1-20124-2011
AD VII-2First Aid Kits7-20109-2005
AD VII-5Emergency Medical Response6-20126-2012
VIII. Reporting
AD VIII-2Notification of Serious Illness, Injury or Death of Hospitalized Patient8-20103-2004
AD VIII-3Duty to Warn1-20141-2014
AD VIII-4Deleted refer to CP 18DeletedDeleted
AD VIII-5Reporting Positive Drug Finding During Dx. Work-up3-20143-2014
AD VIII-6Medical Notification to Excuse from Work11-201411-2014
P - Personnel
P-1Nursing Staffing Standards1-20121-2012
P-3Continuing Education5-20105-2008
P-4Use of Physician Extenders8-20108-2009
P-5Use of Inmates in Delivery of Health Care1-201210-2007
P-6Nursing: Verification of Valid Professional Licenses/Listings1-20124-2011
P-7Medication Technicians1-20161-2016
P-8Nursing Coverage1-20123-2010
P-9Nursing Orientation, Mandatory Training and Competency Evaluation1-20125-2010
P-10Requesting Flexible Schedule1-20121-2012
P-11Social Work Staffing5-20125-2012
II. Employee Health
P II-1Moved to IC-11
P II-2Moved to IC-12
P II-3Moved to IC-13
P II-4Moved to IC-14
P II-5BBP Exposure to DOP Employees7-20147-2014
P II-6Moved to IC-10
A - Assessment of Patient
A-1Receiving Screening1-20141-2014
A-2Intake Physical Exam and PULHEAT System7-20177-2017
A-3Lab Services5-20145-2014
A-4Radiology Services5-20145-2014
A-5Offenders in Segregation11-201411-2014
A-6Deleted March 19, 2018
A-7Court Ordered STD Testing2-20142-2014
A-8Paternity Testing11-201411-2014
A-9Patient Acuity Rating System4-20164-2016
A-10Falls Screening Alert4-20108-2004
A-11Vision Screening3-20173-2017
A-13Infusion Therapy and BloodN/A1-2016
PL - Planning Patient Care
PL-1Procedures for Chronic Disease6-20136-2013
PL-2Initial Nursing Care Plan for Mental Health1-20123-2002
PE - Patient Education
PE-1Health Orientation1-20141-2014
PE-2Inmate Health Education/Health Promotion10-201410-2014
PE-3Refer to Policy N-1 DeletedPolicy DeletedPolicy Deleted
PE-4Refer to Policy TX-7 DeletedPolicy DeletedPolicy Deleted
TX - Care and Treatment of Patient
I. Access to Services
TX I-1Sick Call1-20161-2016
TX I-2Specialty Medical Clinics9-20169-2016
TX I-3Mental Health Clinics6-20116-2011
TX I-4Medical Treatment Services Outside DOP7-20127-2012
TX I-5Mental Health Services Outside DOPPolicy DeletedPolicy Deleted
TX I-6Mental Health Day Treatment04-201804-2018
TX I-8Telephone Triage1-20171-2017
TX I-9Detoxification and Drug Withdrawal1-20121-2012
TX I-10Oxygen6-20146-2014
TX I-11Mass Casualties9-20169-2016
TX I-12Mental Health Outpatient Services - Telepsychiatry Clinics04-20184-2018
TX I-13Evaluation and Management of Transgender Offenders08-201808-2018
TX I-14Adult Residential Treatment ServicesN/A10-2013
II. Medication Administration
TX II-1Drug Formulary2-20172-2017
TX II-2Deleted and Combined into TX II-4
TX II-3Valid Orders and Treatment Protocols1-20171-2017
TX II-4Medication Procurement and Returns1-20171-2017
TX II-51-20171-2017
TX II-6Inmate Transferred on Medication2-20172-2017
TX II-7Methods of Medication Administration08-201708-2017
TX II-8Involuntary Administration of Psychotropic Medication6-20126-2012
TX II-9Medication Duration for Outpatient Services1-20171-2017
TX II-10Refer to TX-7N/AN/A
TX II-11Psychotropic Medication Review12-201612-2016
TX II-12Controlled Substances1-20171-2017
TX II-13Non-Prescription Medication in Canteen1-20171-2017
TX II-14Drug Storage1-20171-2017
TX II-15Drug Recall1-20171-2017
TX II-16Inmate Release with Medications7-20177-2017
TX II-17Deleted and Combined into TX II-1
TX II-18Inmate Medication Refill Request System 4-20124-2012
TX II-19Deleted
TX II-20Transcription of Orders1-20126-2011
TX II-21Deleted
TX II-22Mental Health Preferred Drug ListN/A11-2010
TX II-23Automated Dispensing Cabinets1-20181-2018
III. Restrictive Procedures
TX III-1Therapeutic Seclusion7-20109-2007
TX III-2Therapeutic Restraint7-201010-2008
TX III-3Use of Restraints for Medical Purposes10-201410-2014
TX III-4Use of Administrative Segregation for Behavioral Observation7-201010-2008
TX III-5Assessment and Care of Patient on Special Management Meals10-201410-2014
TX III-6Assessment and Care for Patient on Finger Food Diet10-201010-2008
TX III-76-20166-2016
TX III-8Medical Care After Use of Force and/or Incidents Involving Trauma to an Inmate10-201410-2014
TX III-9Suicide Prevention Program6-20166-2016
IV. Infection Control
TX-VIMoved to IC Section of ManualPolicy MovedPolicy Moved
V. Dental Services
TX V-1Dental Responsibilities5-20145-2014
TX V-2Asepsis Dental Procedures5-20145-2014
TX V-3Dental Exams and Assessment3-20163-2016
TX V-4Access to Dental Care and Dental Priorities5-20145-2014
TX V-5Preventive Dentistry5-20145-2014
TX V-6Types of Dental Treatments Provided3-20163-2016
TX V-7Periodontal Treatment3-20163-2016
TX V-8Orthodontics5-20145-2014
TX V-9Dental Records and Reports5-20145-2014
TX V-10Dental Hygiene Under Direction5-20145-2014
TX V-11Dental Holds3-20163-2016
VI. Activities of Daily Living
TX VI-1Inmate Personal Hygiene1-20122-2002
TX VI-2Therapeutic Diets & Supplemental Nourishment8-20108-2009
TX VI-3Refer to Policy N-5 DeletedPolicy DeletedPolicy Deleted
TX VI-4Grinding of Toe Nails & Calluses11-20102-2002
VII. Disabilities
TX VII-1Development Disabilities8-20108-2007
TX VII-2Physical, Mental, or Cognitive Disabilities8-20108-2009
TX VII-3Medical Prosthesis and Appliances Including Footwear10-201410-2014
CC - Continuity Patient Care
CC-1Continuity of Care4-20144-2014
CC-2Hospitalization & In-Patient Medical Services4-20144-2014
CC-3Transfers, Appropriate Medical Placements & Medical Holds5-20145-2014
CC-4Pregnant Inmates3-20143-2014
CC-5Aged and Infirmed Inmate5-20145-2014
CC-6Mental Health Services - Case Finding and Patient Flow5-20185-2018
CC-7Transfer Procedures for Referral to Mental Health8-201010-2008
CC-8Aftercare Planning for Inmate Health Services1-201211-2007
CC-9Social History5-20105-2003
CC-11Extending the Limits of Confinement8-20178-2017
CC-12Medical Release88-20178-2017
CC-13Inmate and Family Correspondence and Calls3-20143-2014
CC-14Medicaid Application ProcessN/A12-2012
N - Nutrition
N-1Therapeutic Diet Orientation03-201603-2016
N-5Management of Offenders Refusing to Eat10-201410-2014
IC - Infection Control
IC-1Sterilization & Disinfection 1-20161-2016
IC-2Sanitation of Medical Areas & Equipment9-20169-2016
IC-3Communicable Disease1-20162-2016
IC-4Standard Precautions1-20151-2015
IC-5Inmate Exposure to BBP9-20169-2016
IC-6Tuberculosis Control Plan9-20169-2016
IC-7Management of HIV Infection/Acquired1-20129-2010
IC-10BBP Exposure/Employees of Other Agencies9-20169-2016
IC-11Employee Vaccinations and TB Screening9-20169-2016
IC-12Injuries to Staff and Occupational Exposure to DPS Staff and Staff from other Agencies1-20161-2016
IC-13Treatment of Injured or Sick Staff9-20169-2016
IC-14Health Care Worker's Infected with HIV and/or HBV1-20161-2016